Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Make an Easy DIY Pinecone Wreath in One Hour

Hello to all Remodelaholics! It’s Ananda from A Piece Of Rainbow! Can you believe it is already fall, and holidays are just around the corner?

Today we are going to create a lovely wreath perfect for fall and holidays!

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The best part? This wreath takes only one hour to make, and you can make it for almost free!

Are you ready to collect some pretty pine cones?

If you've got an hour, you can make this beautiful winter pine cone wreath! Gather some pinecones and a few sprigs of greenery and follow this tutorial from A Piece of Rainbow on

How to Make a Pine Cone Wreath
by Ananda from A Piece of Rainbow

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Materials and tools:

  • pine cones: we will need 55 to 65 pine cones for this wreath. A really good tip: sort them into 3 size groups! If you don’t feel like gathering your own, you can check out some options on Amazon. 
  • a 12″ wire wreath form
  • hot glue gun and hot glue sticks
  • optional: LED fairy lights; evergreen branches, real or synthetic; berry sprigs. 

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Step 1: Glue on medium pine cones

We will start with the inner ring of pine cones. Take cones from the medium size group ( remember to sort them into 3 groups according to sizes?), add a dab of hot glue on each of the two inner rings, and quickly place the first pine cone onto the hot glued spots.

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Repeat the step until you have glued an entire circle of pine cones like shown below.

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Step 2: Glue on large pine cones

Use pine cones from the biggest size group.

Glue a whole circle of pine cones onto the two outer rims of the wire frame.

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The process is the same as in Step 1.

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Step 3: Glue on small pine cones

Use pine cones from the smallest size group, glue them so the middle gaps are all covered.

Vary the direction of the cones a bit to make it look more natural.

These cones are a little trickier to glue than the first two groups.

Try place each cone and find a spot where it rests securely on the cones below. Use a lot of hot glue on the bottom to make it stick.

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Now we have a basic pinecone wreath!

There are so many ways to decorate this wreath, such as ribbons, green foliage, colorful berries, small ornaments… Just have fun!

Step 4: Add greenery

I took some evergreen cuttings and sprigs of berries, and tucked them in between the pine cones.

How easy is that?

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Of course we can get more festive and add some LED fairy lights!

These lights operate on small battery packs that are easy to hide.

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I can also see these wreaths being used as center pieces on a table. Considering how easy it is to make, why not make a few and use them on the door, and on the table? 

Ours is hanging on a wall in the hallway!

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If you love wreaths made from nature findings, you would enjoy this dollar store hack: how to make wreaths super fast.

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If you love festive lighting, try these simple mason jar oil lanterns, or these dreamy paper lanterns!

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Wish you a beautiful holiday season! Happy creating!

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plus 25 more winter wreaths

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The post Make an Easy DIY Pinecone Wreath in One Hour appeared first on Remodelaholic.

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