Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Galvanized Nails Quiz

This is an experiment.

I want to see if you are interesting in discovering how and why things work around your home in a fun and interesting way.

Please take the quiz below. It’s only five questions.

All of the questions are REQUIRED. You’ll get to see how others are answering, but don’t let that influence your choices because they could be wrong.

The ANSWERS to the quiz are down below it.

There are also LINKS to past columns of mine about galvanizing that explain all of this in MUCH GREATER detail.

I URGE YOU TO CLICK the LINKS and do a little reading.

COMMENT BELOW after taking the quiz to let me know if you liked this. If enough respond, I’ll continue to do this.


Question 1: Yes

Question 2: No

Question 3: Yes

Question 4: Yes

Question 5: Yes


Four Types of Galvanizing

Preventing RUST on Nails and Screws - GREAT PHOTO HERE

Article source Galvanized Nails Quiz

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