Monday, May 30, 2016

Summer “Reading” List

I don’t know about you but I am PSYCHED for summer!!  Now that I am an adult, I love me a good summer reading list… not so much when I was younger… but now that I know how much I actually love to read and get to choose what I read I am always looking for a good book.

But there are a few cons when it comes to reading.  When I am reading a book, I become bad at “real life” – like I can’t shower, or be a mom,  I can’t clean the house and do the laundry or who wants to work when there is a good book at hand?  I just don’t get anything else done.  My house quickly becomes out of control, and the laundry just piles up.

I just HATE to put a book down, its like the commercial break that never ends.  Then, when I do have to stop, I miss my made up friends and life, I know I just said that- truly I get into my books.  But you totally get me right?

Also, while I love to read, a can get a little stir crazy.  Because usually I really like to stay busy and get things done.  There are always things on the to do list around here and I don’t have a day to sit around to read a book, and I also like to sleep at night so reading all night and waking up like a zombie the next day is not an option.

Lastly, since it is summer I want to be outdoors, gardening and working on helping to build a new playhouse.   But just think about this for a second, if I can garden, build, craft or clean and be immersed in a book at the same time, or better yet, learn something new, life just got even better.

So I am making up the summer reading list for real life people and that list includes partnering with Audible.  Have you guys discovered the joy that is listening to books on Audible.  I have at least 15 books on my phone as we speak and the list is always growing.  You can both garden AND read at the same time.  It is a busy person’s mecca!  I love audible and have been using it in real life for about 4 years.

One of my favorite features about audible is the speed option.  If you are in a hurry and want to listen fast, you can easily speed up the narration of the book.  I ALWAYS choose 1.25 at least, but often set it at 1.5, just to help me get through books faster which is really nice for road trips, because if you know about the length of the trip often you can time your book to last the trip, and finish in time.

old books on wooden shelf.


Guys I don’t pick favorites well.  Seriously, trying to make a list of favorites, leads me to forget everything or think of everything all at once.  But here are a couple books I have listened to recently and really enjoyed (a couple I am still listening to)..

Business and Learning:

Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Instutitue

Want a good slap in the face?  Read this book!  But seriously, it is a very worthwhile use of your time.  It is very eye opening about why we do stuff and how our motives of thoughts affect our actions.  If you want to be a better spouse, parent, employee this is a great book to read.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This is a book my husband and I downloaded and listened to on a road trip.  I LOVE road Trip books, and this one was amazing for thinking about business ideas and great thinkers

The E Myth by Michael Gerber

This is great for small business owners that want to know how to grow their business and what to have control over and what to let go.  LOVED it.

The Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

This was just interesting, everything about it.  Hearing about people that have not followed the course that everyone seems to, some how they excel or are not effected in the same way by seemingly natural laws.  Fascinating.

Health and Fitness Books:

The Calorie Myth by Jonathan Bailor

My two dietitian friends were reading this, and so I listened to it too.  A lot of interesting ideas to think over, I don’t agree with everything he says, but it is an interesting perspective.  (Con, when he knocks “dies” programs designed to help people but yet he sells his own- so read it with a grain of salt)  Still, I really enjoyed the book and feel like there are a lot of worthwhile take home points.

The Diet Trap By Jason Lillis PhD and JoAnne Dahl PHD

I haven’t finished this one, but I like thinking about the psychological aspect that eating and health has on our life that we don’t even think about.


The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman

I loved the original love languages book, and I thought this was nice to hear how it related to kids and to think specifically how it relates to my kids.

Daring Greatly By Brene Brown 

This is on my list to listen to, from my sister.

Just for Fun:

(Book preferences vary greatly so to give you an idea of what I like, my preferences are, clean, happy endings, and fast reads)

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

This is my FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME.  I LOVE this book more than words.  My favorite part happens in the very beginning when Jane is living at Lowood School and Helen explains to her forgiveness- it is pure truth that resonates with my heart.   Literally I have it highlighted like scripture in my paper copy.  This particular part has not been portrayed in any of the movies, so if you haven’t read this book you are missing out.

The Host by  Stephanie Meyer

I hesitate to put this, because I read it first on hard copy and it was a boring the first go round and LONG.  BUT once I finished, knew the story line, I REALLY loved it.  I have since reread the book, I really love the story.   It is one of the books that randomly I will think I want to read that again, and audible is perfect for re-listening to old favorites.

Bonus: The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

Okay, anything by Shannon Hale to be honest.  But this book made me want to be an author.  I loved every moment, plus it is part of a series, so then I get to read the rest, without having to find new books.

Young man with headphones and bag standing at the beach from behind

What do you love to read?

Tell us your favorites in the comments.  Notes to readers, I never read a series unless the whole series is out, so if it is a series, please let me know.

Sign up for Audible today and get a 1 month free trial.  I really have loved learning more or discussing books on a long road trip or camp out.  Totally worthwhile!!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Audible. The opinions and text are all mine.


The post Summer “Reading” List appeared first on Remodelaholic.

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